The annual K-12 Cyber Awareness Month (CAM) campaign supports Ontario school boards in encouraging safe and secure digital practices amongst students in October – and all year long.

What is Digital Me?
The Digital Me theme encourages youth in Grades 9-12 to take control of their digital knowledge and online presence, and to make informed choices concerning their digital identity and technology use.
The resource links below offer a rich repository of source material for you to access in creating lesson plans for high school students. They are organized into four themes:

For a more detailed overview of the campaign, download the program guide.

What about Grades K-8? This year’s campaign will be a refreshing of our popular 2023 Cyber Heroes campaign – feel free to explore and utilize these materials in your ongoing cyber awareness efforts.

Looking for more? In addition to Cyber Awareness Month, ECNO has year-round information and support materials that encourage digital awareness, including monthly themed assets.