The ECNO Vetting of Applications for Security and Privacy (VASP) service centrally provides professional risk assessments related to security and privacy concerns for educational digital tools and applications. This service operates on behalf of the 71 participating Ontario K-12 School Boards. Here’s how it works:Reminder: Submit your requests for VASP review
- Assessment Process: The VASP team evaluates applications based on the Student Digital Privacy Standard. They consider privacy and security aspects, ensuring alignment with endorsed standards from regulators and experts in North America and the European Union.
- Reports: After each review, two types of reports are generated:
- Board Report: This technical report provides the participating school boards with a risk score and details about identified risks. It also suggests mitigation strategies to reduce these risks.
- Educator Report: This plain-language document guides educators and school administrators on how to use the digital tool or application while minimizing risks.
- Board Autonomy: While VASP conducts risk assessments, each School Board retains autonomy. They assess the identified risks against their own risk tolerance during their digital tool and application approval process.
- Review Statistics: Since its launch in the fall of 2021, the VASP service has reviewed over 800 educational digital tools for member school boards. Additionally, the program expanded earlier this year to include assessments of Apple and Android mobile applications, and reviews of 45 mobile tools have been completed so far.
VASP responds to member requests for review
VASP only conducts assessments of tools submitted by our member Boards. Please help us by submitting your requests, even if a review has already been requested by another Board, as your intended usage of the tool may be different and require additional review steps. It also helps us to prioritize our review of tools.
This collaborative effort aims to enhance privacy and security in educational technology, benefiting students and educators across Ontario.
If you have any further questions or need assistance submitting a request or accessing VASP reports, feel free to reach out to the VASP team.