Week One

Week 1 – Video 1

Keeping your Devices Secure with Kaya and Jake

Description: Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The logo is inspired by a comic book design with lively colours, yellow, blue, purple and orange.

The white text “K-12 CYBER AWARENESS MONTH, OCTOBER 2023” surrounds the circular logo.

The title for the video “Keeping your Devices Secure with Kaya and Jake” appears with both characters posed on either side.

Scene: Kaya and her brother Jake are seen sitting side by side in the back seat of a car. Kaya is looking out the window while Jake is using a tablet.

The campaign music fades out.

Kaya turns her head to face Jake.


Kaya: What’s so interesting on that thing that you haven’t looked up once this whole car ride?

Jake: Just this guy. He can find anyone in the world just from a video or a picture they send him. His whole channel is just locating them with no other info!

Kaya’s expression changes to apprehensive and disturbed.


Kaya: That’s… pretty creepy. Doesn’t surprise me though. It’s become pretty easy to do stuff like that. You just hope it doesn’t get into the wrong hands.

Jake: Obviously it’s not real. He must have some kind of secret agent software or something. It’s just fun to watch his process.

Jake looks up from the tablet towards Kaya.


Kaya: No Jake, it’s pretty easy nowadays for regular people to do stuff like that. Maps, location services… people share everything online now, it’s not hard to do. That’s why I’m saying you gotta be careful it doesn’t get into the wrong hands.

Jake’s expression changes to surprised concern.


Jake: Well, what does that mean? How do I make sure it doesn’t get into the wrong hands?

Kaya: A lot of the devices we use have software that helps protect your data, but you have to set them up.

A label graphic with a padlock image appears, reading “UPDATE PRIVACY SETTINGS”

A label graphic with a padlock image appears, reading “TURN OFF INFORMATION TRACKING”

A label graphic with a padlock image appears, reading “ONLY USE SECURE APPS”


Kaya: You should set the most private options on your devices and apps and review the settings to make sure they haven’t changed due to a version update. Turn off unnecessary permissions like access to your location, contact list, camera, and microphone. Also avoid installing potentially harmful apps… only use official ones from the app store.

Jake picks up his tablet to update his settings.


Jake: I’m going to do all of that right now, I don’t want anyone finding me!

Kaya smiles reassuringly at Jake.


Kaya: Absolutely. Don’t be scared Jake. As long as you use your devices safely and responsibly, you can still have fun with them. Plus, you’ve got a pretty tough older sister looking out for you!

Jake looks up at Kaya looking surprised and confused.


Jake: Do we have another sister mom and dad never told us about?

Jake quickly shifts into a mischievous, joking grin. Kaya smiles sarcastically.


Jake: Just kidding! Thanks sis!

The screen fades lighter into the background. Mia appears scaled to the size screen to address the viewer.


Kaya: Together, we can keep our devices secure and our information safe and become the Cyber Heroes of the digital world! You can help! Use what you’ve learned here today to help equip your friends and family. We can all be Cyber heroes! Visit ECNO.org/cyberawareness to learn more.

Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The scene transitions to an end animation.

Cyber Awareness Month student characters ranging in age and ethnicity begin to assemble like superheroes in front of a school building.

The screen fades darker. The frame zooms in tighter to the top of the school building. The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The backdrop fades to a bright orange.

A graphic of a computer search bar appears at the top of the screen. Text begins to appear being typed in the search bar to show the campaign website URL “https://www.ecno.org/cyber-awareness/”.

The campaign music fades out.


Week 1 – Video 2

Defending Against Online Phishing Scams with Trevor and Max

[Opening shot: The CAM 2023 logo transitions to a high school computer lab]

[Scene transition: A student, Max, sitting looking at his phone]

Max: (Speaking to Trevor and Kayla) Hey, guys! Did you get that email from Mr. Lavigne about that class fieldtrip?

Kayla: I didn’t get anything. Is my spam filter working too hard again? What about you, Trevor?

[Scene transition: Trevor looking at his email determined to find the answer]

Trevor: I don’t see anything here, and he didn’t mention anything in class. Lemme see that.

[Scene transition: Trevor takes Max’s phone; email displayed]

Trevor: This looks like a scam Max – you didn’t click on this, did you?

Max: (worried) not yet. What makes you think it’s a scam?

[Scene transition: Max and his friends listening attentively]

Trevor: (Eager) Well, a few things. Look at the sender email – it’s not a school email address. He’s also asking for your parents’ banking info – a school trip to the science centre is what, $20? And look at the urgency! I don’t think our English teacher urgently needs you to pay for a science trip.

[Scene transition: List of “tips” appears on screen]

Max: I can’t believe I missed that. No way that’s real. Glad I didn’t click that link.

Kayla: It can happen to the best of us – scammers are getting creative these days.

[Scene transition: Max and Kayla continue talking; Trevor faces the screen]

Trevor: My friends are right. This is a social engineering tactic. Villains and hackers pose as someone you know, hoping that familiarity will let your guard down. They also throw in a sense of urgency making you think that you need to act fast, so you do not have time to question the legitimacy of an email or request. That is why it’s important to always pause and think before taking action.

Max: (Questioning) Should I delete the email?

[Scene transition: Trevor pops up with an information screen]

Trevor: Don’t hit delete just yet! First, you should report the email so the school IT department can learn how to better flag phishing emails. You should also notify Mr. Lavigne so he can warn other students of this phishing email. Then tell your parents just in case they received a similar email, so they don’t fall victim and compromise their personal or banking info.

The screen fades lighter into the background. Trevor appears scaled to the size screen to address the viewer.

Trevor: Together, we can defend against online scams and become the Cyberheroes of the digital world! You can help! Use what you’ve learned here today to help inform your friends and family. We can all be Cyberheroes! learn more at www.ecno.com/cyberawareness

 Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The scene transitions to an end animation.

Cyber Awareness Month student characters ranging in age and ethnicity begin to assemble like superheroes in front of a school building.

The screen fades darker. The frame zooms in tighter to the top of the school building. The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The backdrop fades to a bright orange.

A graphic of a computer search bar appears at the top of the screen. Text begins to appear being typed in the search bar to show the campaign website URL “https://www.ecno.org/cyber-awareness/”.

The campaign music fades out.


Week 1 – Video 3

Online Safety Basics with Priya and Ben

Description: Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The logo is inspired by a comic book design with lively colours, yellow, blue, purple and orange.

The white text “K-12 CYBER AWARENESS MONTH, OCTOBER 2023” surrounds the circular logo.

The title for the video “Online Safety Basics with Priya and Ben” appears with both characters posed on either side.

Scene: Ben is seen sitting in the school library at a communal table, playing on his tablet. Priya enters the screen from the left, walking toward Ben.

The campaign music fades out.


Priya: Ben, what’s up? Class ended a while ago… do you need my dad to drive you home again?

Priya stops to stand facing Ben, still playing on his tablet.


Ben: Hey Priya. I’m trying to work on my science project, but somehow I keep ending up back on my game…

Priya: Are you at least winning?

Ben: Hard to tell. The site I’m on is super weird.

Priya: You should be careful! My dad told me there are all kinds of bad gaming websites. Did you know that some sites can really be scams that trick us and try to steal our money?

Ben looks up from his tablet towards Priya, looking worried.


Ben: Why would someone want to do that?… I’m just zapping the bad guys – they wouldn’t want to mess with me anyway!

Priya: That’s what I thought too. But you can never be too careful!

A label graphic with appears, reading “DOUBLE CHECK WEBSITE URLS”

A label graphic with appears, reading “CHECK FOR SECURE CONNECTIONS”

A label graphic with appears, reading “ASK FOR HELP”


Priya: Always double-check website URLs and look for secure connections. Sometimes when I’m not sure, I just ask my dad to check if the website is safe. There are lots of secure gaming websites. Better safe than sorry!

Ben: I guess you’re right. I always thought that was for grown up sites.

A label graphic with appears, reading “BE CAREFUL OF SUSPICIOUS EMAILS”

A label graphic with appears, reading “DON’T CLICK ON UNKNOWN LINKS”

A label graphic with appears, reading “AVOID SHARING PERSONAL INFORMATION”


Ben: My older sister says to be careful of suspicious emails, never click on unknown links, and to avoid sharing personal information with strangers.

Priya smiles, agreeing excitedly with her arms in the air.


Priya: All of that applies to us too!

The scene transitions to reveal an orange background, with Priya flying like a superhero as she faces the camera to address the viewer.


Priya: Together, we can take control of our online privacy, help others do the same and become cyber heroes! You can help! Let’s arm our fellow students with knowledge to outsmart online scams! Cyber heroes unite! Visit ecno.org/cyberawareness to learn more about staying cyber safe and help students in your school do the same.

Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The scene transitions to an end animation.

Cyber Awareness Month student characters ranging in age and ethnicity begin to assemble like superheroes in front of a school building.

The screen fades darker. The frame zooms in tighter to the top of the school building. The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The backdrop fades to a bright orange.

A graphic of a computer search bar appears at the top of the screen. Text begins to appear being typed in the search bar to show the campaign website URL “https://www.ecno.org/cyber-awareness/”.

The campaign music fades out.


Week Two

Week 2 – Video 1

Learning Where to Draw the AI Line with Devon

Description: Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The logo is inspired by a comic book design with lively colours, yellow, blue, purple and orange.

The white text “K-12 CYBER AWARENESS MONTH, OCTOBER 2023” surrounds the circular logo.

The title for the video “Learning Where to Draw the AI Line with Devon” appears with both characters posed on either side.

Scene: Devon is seen sitting at a home office computer desk, video chatting with his friend Gwen.

The campaign music fades out.


Devon: So, I told him I’d be done in a couple hours and I’m actually making good time, but I’m stuck on this one question.

The screen tightens to show Gwen speaking through video chat.


Gwen: Why don’t you just ask an artificial intelligence robot thingy? Those things know everything

The screen widens back to show Devon.


Devon: Yeah true, okay I’ll try that. Thanks.

Devon rolls his computer chair closer to the desk.

Scene: The screen transitions to show Devon’s computer screen. He searches “AI Generator”.

On screen:


Free AI Chat Robot

Ask an AI Generator Online

Can you trust AI? Why you should always double check yo…

A look at why you can’t always count on AI for answers

What Experts are saying about AI

But according to the experts, it isn’t just about understanding AI. Learning how to engage with it is just as important, they said.

Devon moves his mouse to a search result.


Devon: Can you trust AI? Let’s see.

Devon clicks and a video appears on screen. He pushes “play”. The video creator, an adult woman, appears holding books and a tablet.


Web Lady: Welcome back to my channel! Today we’re going to explain why you shouldn’t always depend on artificial intelligence for the right answer.

Thanks to recent advances in artificial intelligence, new tools like ChatGPT are wowing consumers with their ability to create compelling writing based on people’s queries and prompts. While these AI-powered tools have gotten much better at producing creative and sometimes humorous responses, they often include inaccurate information.

A label graphic appears, reading “MOST CORRECT DOESN’T GUARANTEE ACCURACY”

A label graphic appears, reading “MAY NOT BE RECENT OR CREDIBLE”

A label graphic appears, reading “CONSULT RELIABLE, PROVIDED SOURCES”

It’s important to remember that eh eye generators pull data from millions of sources and serve up the “most correct” answer, which doesn’t mean it’s totally reliable. If the sources aren’t credible or recent, it may very well be serving you false info. When it comes to learning, it’s always better to consult your provided resources, and to cite your sources. This way, you can justify where information was retrieved, and your educators can help you establish if it’s credible.

Screen transitions wide to show Devon looking surprised at his computer.


Devon: Man. I’m glad I found this… better share it with Gwen before she finishes her project.

Devon pulls out his phone to video call Gwen.


Devon: Hey Gwen, change of plans…

The screen fades lighter into the background. Devon appears scaled to the size screen to address the viewer.


Devon: Together, we can navigate artificial intelligence and the internet in education and become the Cyber Heroes of the digital world! You can help! Use what you’ve learned here today to help equip your friends and family. We can all be Cyber heroes! Visit ECNO dot org slash cyber awareness to learn more.

Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The scene transitions to an end animation.

Cyber Awareness Month student characters ranging in age and ethnicity begin to assemble like superheroes in front of a school building.

The screen fades darker. The frame zooms in tighter to the top of the school building. The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The backdrop fades to a bright orange.

A graphic of a computer search bar appears at the top of the screen. Text begins to appear being typed in the search bar to show the campaign website URL “https://www.ecno.org/cyber-awareness/”.

The campaign music fades out.


Week 2 – Video 2

Navigating AI in Today’s Cyber Universe with Laurel and Ben

Description: Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The logo is inspired by a comic book design with lively colours, yellow, blue, purple and orange.

The white text “K-12 CYBER AWARENESS MONTH, OCTOBER 2023” surrounds the circular logo.

The title for the video “Navigating AI in Today’s Cyber Universe with Laurel and Ben” appears with both characters posed on either side.

Scene: Laurel and Ben are seen in a home office. Ben sits at a desk, typing, with his computer open and Laurel sits nearby reading a book on a beanbag chair.

The campaign music fades out.


Laurel: Ok, the next question is “What impact do human activities and different land uses have on the environment and how can we reduce their impact?”

Ben looks curiously at Laurel.


Ben: How many more questions are there? I feel like we’ve been doing this project for 10 years!

Laurel: More like 10 minutes! We’re only on question 3!

Ben: Really? Well maybe we just need some help. Have you heard about those Artificial Intelligence programs that you can ask questions and they just give you a whole answer?

Laurel puts her book down and looks up at Ben.


Laurel: I’ve heard of it, but I don’t think using AI is a good idea in this case.

Ben: Well, why not? If it gets the work done, I’m all for it. What’s the harm?

The camera zooms in tighter to show Laurel and Ben conversing. Ben puts his arms up behind his head to listen to Laurel.


Laurel: Well, for starters, If we rely too heavily on AI for homework, essays or projects, we’re limiting our own learning, creativity and critical thinking skills.

A label graphic with a lightbulb image appears, reading “LIMITS CRITICAL THINKING”


Laurel: Also, artificial intelligence pulls info from the internet, which doesn’t mean it’s factual or accurate.

A label graphic with a big red “X” image appears, reading “NOT ALWAYS ACCURATE”


Laurel: You’re really just copy and pasting from a machine…

A label graphic with an “A+ test paper” image appears, reading “LIMITS REAL LEARNING”


Laurel: your brain isn’t even involved, so when Mr. Andrews gives a test, you won’t know anything about what we’re learning!

The camera zooms out wider to show the home office, Laurel and Ben still conversing. Ben’s arms lower toward the desk.


Ben: I guess you’re right. AI is a cool tool, but we can’t just use it to take the easy way out.

Laurel: Yes It’s definitely cool! and it can be really helpful when learning new ideas and gathering information.

A label graphic with a big green checkmark image appears, reading “FOR SUPPORT”

A label graphic with a big red “X” image appears, reading “INSTEAD OF DOING THE WORK”


Laurel: We can use it for support, but not as a learning substitution. I’d hate to fail the test, or worse, miss out on really learning about something important.

Ben smiles in agreeance.


Ben: You’re right. How else would I know that it is essential to implement sustainable development strategies that promote the efficient use of resources, reduce pollution, and protect ecosystems?

Laurel smiles excitedly at Ben.


Laurel: There’s question 3 all done! See? You’re learning more than you thought. Ok, next question!

The screen fades lighter into the background. Laurel appears scaled to the size screen to address the viewer.


Laurel: Together, we can navigate artificial intelligence and the internet in education and become the Cyberheroes of the digital world! You can help! Use what you’ve learned here today to help arm your friends and family. We can all be Cyberheroes! Visit ecno.org/cyber awareness to learn more.

Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The scene transitions to an end animation.

Cyber Awareness Month student characters ranging in age and ethnicity begin to assemble like superheroes in front of a school building.

The screen fades darker. The frame zooms in tighter to the top of the school building. The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The backdrop fades to a bright orange.

A graphic of a computer search bar appears at the top of the screen. Text begins to appear being typed in the search bar to show the campaign website URL “https://www.ecno.org/cyber-awareness/”.

The campaign music fades out.


Week 2 – Video 3

Online Safety Basics with Priya and Ben

Description: Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The logo is inspired by a comic book design with lively colours, yellow, blue, purple and orange.

The white text “K-12 CYBER AWARENESS MONTH, OCTOBER 2023” surrounds the circular logo.

The title for the video “Online Safety Basics with Priya and Ben” appears with both characters posed on either side.

Scene: Ben is seen sitting in the school library at a communal table, playing on his tablet. Priya enters the screen from the left, walking toward Ben.

The campaign music fades out.


Priya: Ben, what’s up? Class ended a while ago… do you need my dad to drive you home again?

Priya stops to stand facing Ben, still playing on his tablet.


Ben: Hey Priya. I’m trying to work on my science project, but somehow I keep ending up back on my game…

Priya: Are you at least winning?

Ben: Hard to tell. The site I’m on is super weird.

Priya: You should be careful! My dad told me there are all kinds of bad gaming websites. Did you know that some sites can really be scams that trick us and try to steal our money?

Ben looks up from his tablet towards Priya, looking worried.


Ben: Why would someone want to do that?… I’m just zapping the bad guys – they wouldn’t want to mess with me anyway!

Priya: That’s what I thought too. But you can never be too careful!

A label graphic with appears, reading “DOUBLE CHECK WEBSITE URLS”

A label graphic with appears, reading “CHECK FOR SECURE CONNECTIONS”

A label graphic with appears, reading “ASK FOR HELP”


Priya: Always double-check website URLs and look for secure connections. Sometimes when I’m not sure, I just ask my dad to check if the website is safe. There are lots of secure gaming websites. Better safe than sorry!

Ben: I guess you’re right. I always thought that was for grown up sites.

A label graphic with appears, reading “BE CAREFUL OF SUSPICIOUS EMAILS”

A label graphic with appears, reading “DON’T CLICK ON UNKNOWN LINKS”

A label graphic with appears, reading “AVOID SHARING PERSONAL INFORMATION”


Ben: My older sister says to be careful of suspicious emails, never click on unknown links, and to avoid sharing personal information with strangers.

Priya smiles, agreeing excitedly with her arms in the air.


Priya: All of that applies to us too!

The scene transitions to reveal an orange background, with Priya flying like a superhero as she faces the camera to address the viewer.


Priya: Together, we can take control of our online privacy, help others do the same and become cyber heroes! You can help! Let’s arm our fellow students with knowledge to outsmart online scams! Cyber heroes unite! Visit ecno.org/cyberawareness to learn more about staying cyber safe and help students in your school do the same.

Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The scene transitions to an end animation.

Cyber Awareness Month student characters ranging in age and ethnicity begin to assemble like superheroes in front of a school building.

The screen fades darker. The frame zooms in tighter to the top of the school building. The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The backdrop fades to a bright orange.

A graphic of a computer search bar appears at the top of the screen. Text begins to appear being typed in the search bar to show the campaign website URL “https://www.ecno.org/cyber-awareness/”.

The campaign music fades out.


Week Three

Week 3 – Video 1

Conquering Gaming Cyber Threats with Jake

[Opening shot: The CAM 2023 logo transitions to a high school gaming club meeting]

Jake: Hey, fellow gamers! This week, I thought it would be helpful (and important!) to go over the risks of gaming and the metaverse. Do you guys know them?

[Scene transition: Visuals of hacking attempts, phishing scams, and account theft]

Deepa: Hacks, scams, and stolen accounts can disrupt our gaming experiences and compromise our security.

Jake: That’s right! We always have to be prepared – you can never be too safe.

[Scene transition: Transition to an animated sequence with a cyber hero theme]

Lindsay: I think that’s more of a risk with little kids’ website games though – we all play together and know each other.

[Scene transition: Jake is excited to showcase that the risks affect everyone, not just younger audiences]

Jake: You never think it could happen to you. But someone could pose as one of us and start asking personal questions. They could also ask you for in-game currency and you wouldn’t think twice because you thought it was a friend!

[Scene transition: friends listening attentively]

Noah: I guess we should always be skeptical of offers promising free in-game currency, never share account information, and only make purchases from trusted sources.

Lindsay: I never really thought about it like that before. What should we do if someone starts asking weird questions?

Jake: Definitely check with the person outside the game to see if it’s really them. If it’s not them, or if a stranger starts being inappropriate, you can exit the game and speak to a trusted adult. No winning streak is worth compromising our safety.

Kaya: Good call! Let’s equip our fellow gamers and students in the school with knowledge and skills to protect themselves online!

[Scene transition: Group of students attending the workshop and engaging in discussions, making lists and notes to tell their friends]

Jake: Together, we can defend against online scams and become the Cyberheroes of the digital world! You can help! Use what you’ve learned here today to help arm your friends and family. We can all be Cyberheroes! Learn more at https://www.ecno.org/cyber-awareness/

Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The scene transitions to an end animation.

Cyber Awareness Month student characters ranging in age and ethnicity begin to assemble like superheroes in front of a school building.

The screen fades darker. The frame zooms in tighter to the top of the school building. The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The backdrop fades to a bright orange.

A graphic of a computer search bar appears at the top of the screen. Text begins to appear being typed in the search bar to show the campaign website URL “https://www.ecno.org/cyber-awareness/”.

The campaign music fades out.


Week 3 – Video 2

Curating a Safe and Kind Social Media Feed with Priya and Laurel

Description: Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The logo is inspired by a comic book design with lively colours, yellow, blue, purple and orange.
The white text “K-12 CYBER AWARENESS MONTH, OCTOBER 2023” surrounds the circular logo.

The title for the video “Curating a Safe and Kind Social Media Feed with Priya and Laurel” appears with both characters posed on either side.

Scene: Laurel and Priya are seen relaxing in Laurel’s bedroom. Laurel lays on her stomach on her bed with her feet swinging back and forth in the air while Priya is seen laying back, relaxing in a beanbag chair while she scrolls on her phone.

The campaign music fades out.


Priya: Did you see Gwen’s story? She’s going on another vacation! That’s like the third one this year!

Laurel sits up on her bed and begins to scroll on her phone.

Laurel: Wow looks like she’s headed to Florida!

Laurel puts her phone back down on the bed.


Priya: I’ve never even been out of the country! So unfair.

Laurel: I hear ya, I’d love to go to Disney world!

Priya looks up at Laurel, looking frustrated and envious.


Priya: Seems like everyone has something interesting going on. A bunch of girls I follow just went to a fancy event, Dylan from class posts about his brand-new phone like every day. Don’t even get me started on all the influencers! My life is so boring compared to everyone else’s!

Laurel: Priya don’t be silly. You’ve got a lot of great stuff going on. It’s just social media, you know how it is.

Priya: Yeah, apps full of people doing more interesting stuff than me.

The frame zooms in tighter on both Laurel and Priya.

Laurel: Social media is a highlight reel Priya; people only post about all the really fun and interesting stuff. Of course, when you look at it it just looks like everyone’s having a great time, going on trips, and getting new stuff. Honestly, it’s a pretty unrealistic lens on what people’s lives really look like, so by making comparisons, you’re just psyching yourself out.

The frame zooms in tighter on Priya, showing her continued irritation.


Priya: So, what, should I just never look at social media again?

The frame zooms out wider back to show both Priya and Laurel.


Laurel: No, I just think if this is how your social feeds leave you feeling, you should really think about why you’re even using them. You should unfollow people who make you feel negatively or start following accounts based on your interests.

A label graphic with social media heart notification image appears, reading “REMEMBER: SOCIAL MEDIA IS A HIGHLIGHT REEL”


Laurel: And always keep in mind that social media is a highlight reel. It’s not the whole picture. Don’t ruin your mindset based on what people choose to show you.

Priya’s expression softens.


Priya: Yeah, you’re right.

Priya picks up her phone to look at it.


Priya: Oh, Gwen just texted me.

Priya frowns, looking worried.


Priya: Oh man, she said she’s going to be out of class next week because she’s going to Florida for her aunt’s funeral.

Laurel looks sadly toward Priya.


Laurel: Oh dear. But see what I mean? The real story is more than meets the eye.

Priya: You’re totally right. I feel awful!

Priya puts down her phone. Laurel looks kind and empathetic.


Laurel: Don’t feel awful. Just remember in the future, you never know what someone else is going through. Come on, let’s make Gwen a card and go pick her some flowers from my dad’s garden.

Priya smiles.


Priya: That’s a great idea, I think daisies are her favourite!
The screen fades lighter into the background. Laurel appears scaled to the size screen to address the viewer.


Laurel: Together, we can create a safe and kind environment on our social media feeds and be the Cyber Heroes of the world! It’s important to remember that social media doesn’t always paint the whole picture. You can help! Use what you’ve learned here today to help equip your friends and family. We can all be Cyber heroes! Learn more at ecno.org/cyberawareness.

Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The scene transitions to an end animation.

Cyber Awareness Month student characters ranging in age and ethnicity begin to assemble like superheroes in front of a school building.

The screen fades darker. The frame zooms in tighter to the top of the school building. The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The backdrop fades to a bright orange.

A graphic of a computer search bar appears at the top of the screen. Text begins to appear being typed in the search bar to show the campaign website URL “https://www.ecno.org/cyber-awareness/”.

The campaign music fades out.


Week 3 – Video 3

Shielding Against Social Media Cyber Threats with Kaya

[Opening shot: The CAM 2023 logo transitions to a high school hallway filled with students]

Kaya: In a digital landscape buzzing with connections, it’s time to unveil the Cyberhero and protect ourselves from social media threats!

[Scene transition: A student, Mia, scrolling through her social media feed]

Mia: Hey, everyone! I won an Instagram giveaway!

Kaya: What did you win?!

[Scene transition: Mia looking confused at her phone]

Mia: (Curious) I won tickets to a concert!

Jenna: Who’s concert?

Mia: It doesn’t say – I think I entered a Jonas Brothers giveaway a few weeks ago. Must be that one!

[Scene transition: Kaya looking concerned]

Kaya: Are you sure? Sounds kind of fishy to me…

Mia: It must be! They just need my email address and ticketmaster password and they’ll give me the tickets. If you’re free next weekend, you should come!

Kaya: Mia, they’re asking for your personal info! Stay vigilant. Think before you share personal information. Why would they need your login info if they already have the tickets?!

[Scene transition: Mia and her friends listening attentively]

Mia: (Eager) That’s… actually a good question?

[Scene transition: Cyberhero provides guidance on combating cyberbullying]

Kaya: Recognizing your weak spots is a great way to protect yourself from trouble. If it seems too good to be true, it very well might be. Winning giveaways, talking to public figures, and interacting with people you don’t know online are examples of social media risks that may keep your adrenaline high and your defences low. They’re probably hoping you’re so excited that you don’t realize this is fake.

[Scene transition: Mia and her friends taking notes]

Mia: The more I look at it, the more I think you’re right! Block and report. No JB for me!

[Scene transition: Kaya comforting Mia]

Kaya: Don’t worry Mia – there will be lots more concerts to see. At least your personal information is still safe!

Mia: (Confident) You’re right. Let’s raise awareness and promote responsible online behavior among our peers!

[Closing shot: Mia and Jenna highfive. The screen fades and Kaya addresses the camera]

Kaya: Together, we can defend against online scams and become the Cyberheroes of the digital world! You can help! Use what you’ve learned here today to help arm your friends and family. We can all be Cyberheroes! Learn more at www.ecno.com/cyberawareness

Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The scene transitions to an end animation.

Cyber Awareness Month student characters ranging in age and ethnicity begin to assemble like superheroes in front of a school building.

The screen fades darker. The frame zooms in tighter to the top of the school building. The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The backdrop fades to a bright orange.

A graphic of a computer search bar appears at the top of the screen. Text begins to appear being typed in the search bar to show the campaign website URL “https://www.ecno.org/cyber-awareness/”.

The campaign music fades out.


Week Four

Week 4 – Video 1

Empowering Mental Health in the Social Media Age with Jenna

[Opening shot: A high school classroom]

Jenna: (Speaking to the class for a presentation) Hey, everyone! Did you know that social media can impact our mental health?

[Scene transition: Visuals of comparison, cyberbullying, and excessive screen time]

Jenna: Social media’s constant comparisons, cyberbullying, and excessive screen time can affect our well-being.

[Scene transition: Sarah looking determined]

Jenna: There are many ways we can take control and nurture our mental health in the digital world

[Scene transition: Sarah’s presentation comes full screen]

We should always self-care, cultivate a healthy online presence, and be mindful of the content you consume.

[Scene transition: class friends listening attentively]

Jenna: Block and report bullies to a trusted adult, surround yourself with supportive friends, and remember that your worth is not defined by others’ opinions.

[Scene transition: Jenna’s classmates taking notes – she begins asking for audience answers]

Jenna: How do you guys think we can maintain our digital wellness?

Nelson: I like to add timers to my social media apps to avoid doomscrolling – after a while, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The screen time apps help me put the phone down.

Devon: I have a hard stop on my laptop and my phone at least an hour before bed. When I don’t, it takes me hours to fall asleep and I don’t feel rested the next day. I find that giving myself time to unwind helps my brain really “power down”.

Jenna: That’s awesome! Anyone else?

Katie: Sometimes I only post things to my close friends. Not everyone needs to know what I’m up to – I don’t want their opinion, anyway!

Jenna: That’s a good idea!

Katie: I also enrolled in some sports for the fall. I like spending time outside, and I find that the commitment to an extra-curricular helps me move away from my phone without having to rely on myself to always know when to say no.

Jenna: I bet that’ll help you say no more often in the long run, too!

[Closing shot: Jenna wraps up her presentation and speaks to the camera]

Jenna: Together, we can nurture digital wellness and become the Cyberheroes of the digital world! You can help! Use what you’ve learned here today to help arm your friends and family. We can all be Cyberheroes! learn more at www.ecno.com/cyberawareness

Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The scene transitions to an end animation.

Cyber Awareness Month student characters ranging in age and ethnicity begin to assemble like superheroes in front of a school building.

The screen fades darker. The frame zooms in tighter to the top of the school building. The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The backdrop fades to a bright orange.

A graphic of a computer search bar appears at the top of the screen. Text begins to appear being typed in the search bar to show the campaign website URL “https://www.ecno.org/cyber-awareness/”.

The campaign music fades out.


Week 4 – Video 2

Powering down and living outside your devices with Mia and Devon

[Opening shot: The CAM 2023 logo transitions to a high school soccer field]

Mia: Great game, Devon!

[Scene transition: A student, Devon, scrolling through his social media feed]

Devon: …..

[Scene transition: Mia looking at Devon, waiting for a reply]

Mia: Hellooooo, Devon – great game!

[Scene transition: Devon looking confused]

Devon: Oh, sorry – thanks!

Mia: Is something wrong?

Devon: No – just seeing what I missed while we were playing….

[Scene transition: Mia looking concerned]

Mia: I doubt you missed anything! Want to walk home with me? We could grab some ice cream?

Devon: In a second, I’m just checking my notifications…

Mia: Sounds like you’ve got some major FOBO!

[Scene transition: Devon looks up, confused]

Devon: FOBO?

Kaya: Fear of Being Offline!

Devon: I’m not scared! I just like to catch up on what I missed.

[Scene transition: Mia explaining to Devon]

Mia: I’m just kidding, but being away from that thing might be good for you. look up and smell the ice cream! You can’t spend your whole life looking down at your phone.

Devon: Man, you’re right – I get sucked into my phone for hours a night. I don’t even know what I’m looking at.

[Scene transition: Mia comforting Devon]

Mia: Don’t worry Dev, we all get sucked into our phone, but a huge part of your wellbeing is prioritizing life outside of our devices. If you don’t you could miss what’s going on in the real world – like me, asking you out to ice cream!

Devon: (Shocked) [puts his phone away quickly] I’d hate to miss out on something like that! Come on, cones on me.

[Closing shot: Mia and Devon, walk off together to get ice cream]

Mia: Together, we can nurture our wellbeing and become Cyberheroes of the world! It’s important to know where your digital life ends, and real life begins. You can help! Use what you’ve learned here today to help arm your friends and family. We can all be Cyberheroes! learn more at www.ecno.com/cyberawareness

Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The scene transitions to an end animation.

Cyber Awareness Month student characters ranging in age and ethnicity begin to assemble like superheroes in front of a school building.

The screen fades darker. The frame zooms in tighter to the top of the school building. The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The backdrop fades to a bright orange.

A graphic of a computer search bar appears at the top of the screen. Text begins to appear being typed in the search bar to show the campaign website URL “https://www.ecno.org/cyber-awareness/”.

The campaign music fades out.


Week 4 – Video 3

Protecting Self-Esteem in a Digital Age with Laurel and Max

Description: Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The logo is inspired by a comic book design with lively colours, yellow, blue, purple and orange.

The white text “K-12 CYBER AWARENESS MONTH, OCTOBER 2023” surrounds the circular logo.

The title for the video “Protecting Self-Esteem in a Digital Age with Laurel and Max” appears with both characters posed on either side.

Scene: Laurel is seen outside in her backyard dancing in front of a camera. Her dad barbeques in the background. Her brother Max walks into view.

The campaign music fades out.


Max: Laurel, what are you doing?

Laurel: What does it look like?

Max: Like you’ve got a horrible wedgie.

Laurel: ha-ha. Very funny. I’m obviously making a video.

Max: Sure. But why?

Laurel looks frustrated, stomping toward Max.


Laurel: Because I have to post regularly if I’m going to maintain my following!

Max: Maintain your following? Since when do you care about who follows you?

She stands in front of Max, looking upset.


Laurel: Since I realized I have the least amount of followers in my grade!

Max bends down to Laurel’s height.


Max: Laurel, it doesn’t matter how many followers you have on social media.  You quit dance in second grade because it hurt your feet!  Why are you doing this?

Laurel: Because. Everyone likes people who’re popular.

Max: You know, life was a lot easier before followers came along. But you know what, followers or not, you’re still one of my favourite people.

Laurel: That’s because you’re my brother.

Max: That’s partly true. It’s also because you’re funny and smart and kind, and you can swim better than anyone I know. It doesn’t matter what you look like or how many people follow you on social media, what matters is that you’re a good person. And you are!

Laurel: Thanks Max. That’s nice of you to say.

Dad (off screen): Kids! Dinner!

Max: Let’s go! if there’s food, I’ll follow you anywhere!

The screen fades lighter into the background. Max appears scaled to the size screen to address the viewer.


Max: Together, we can nurture our wellbeing and become Cyber Heroes of the world! It’s important to remember that you are more than your presence online, and who you are as a person does not depend on your followers. You can help! Use what you’ve learned here today to help equip your friends and family. We can all be Cyber heroes! Visit ecno.org/cyber awareness to learn more.

Cheerful, upbeat campaign music begins to play.

The scene transitions to an end animation.

Cyber Awareness Month student characters ranging in age and ethnicity begin to assemble like superheroes in front of a school building.

The screen fades darker. The frame zooms in tighter to the top of the school building. The K-12 Cyber Awareness Month campaign logo for 2023 appears.

The backdrop fades to a bright orange.

A graphic of a computer search bar appears at the top of the screen. Text begins to appear being typed in the search bar to show the campaign website URL “https://www.ecno.org/cyber-awareness/”.

The campaign music fades out.